No interest rates, no bubbles. Fixed fee generating taxes (demurrage ). Motivates to spend and not to accumulate. Acclaims any human activity or product.
VIDEO OCCCU = Occupy Currency.
Join the worldwide basic income experiment now!
Get an account and transfer your first 20 OCCCUs at the online bank
here .
4-5NOV2016 Blockchain based alternative currencies.
Symposium and Hakathon in Brussels.
14OKT2016 Connecting with FAZ, the
6MAR2016 Presenting the OCCCU demurrage mechanism to founders during their stay in Switzerland
5NOV2013 Alternative-Money-Thinker Bernard Lietaer giving a
workshop in Vorarlberg
14JUN2013 Exhibition of Occuprint posters (including the new OCCCU poster) at ar/ge kunst Galerie Museum in Bolzano
2MAY2013 OCCCU @
DieBäckere i in Innsbruck: Geldbäckerei
18-22JUL2012 ATTAC Summer Academy , Schloss Goldegg, Austria, offering workshops on alternate currency systems and presenting OCCCU
12JUN2012 OCCCU presentation at Talente Vorarlberg, Kolpinghaus Dornbirn, Jahngasse 20, 7 p.m.
27APR2012 Presentation of Social Media campaign for OCCCU at
FHV room E002 4 pm
13-14APR2012 OCCCU official payment currency at the
Geldreform conference in Innsbruck
22FEB2012 OCCCU nominated for Prix Ars Electronica Digital Communities Award 2012
28JAN2012 OCCCU launched at occupyWEF in Davos
21JAN2012 OCCCU presentation at occupy Austria meeting in Linz